[img= http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png] [b][u] Aliquam: The Tailor’s [/b][/u] The smile on Aria’s face only widened when Estelle popped up beside them, donning a gorgeous dress with an inverse color scheme to her own. The illusionist gave a pleased blush at the girl’s compliments of the choices of dress she had picked out for Xan. “You look fantastic, Estelle!” Aria cooed happily, giving the girl a more thorough inspection. It wasn’t often that she saw the swordswoman in any dress, but Estelle was certainly rocking this one. She could only imagine how lovely the girl would look with some subtle makeup and accessories… [i] “Tobias offered to pay for all these, right? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind buying an extra dress or two or five if he has all that money… right?”[/i] That certainly sounded like a plan. Too bad Dalia was right- it wouldn’t feel right to take funds away from the arts. Dylan piped as well, looking quite dashing in his suit. Everyone was certainly looking very glamorous- everyone had picked out gorgeous dresses while the men were looking very handsome in their suits- maybe someone would end up needing to beat off suitors with a broom before the night was over. They would all fit in at the part no problem, at least looks wise. Looking over to the accessory section, she had to bite in a giggle at the getup of masks they had donned. If they really decided to go with that then maybe they’d end up drawing some weird looks after all. Knowing the Pride, however, they would no doubt end up standing out nonetheless. “Perhaps we should all put on masks,” She grinned, picking up a nearby [url=http://www.venicemaskedball.co.uk/ekmps/shops/maskedball/images/venetian-style-white-red-metal-filigree-petite-lace-mask-4188-p.jpg]mask[/url] and plopping it on her face. “and be the most gorgeous [i]and[/i] mysterious group there.” She winked playfully, striking a pose.