[img=http://i.imgur.com/UPINOf1.png] [b][u]Aliquam: The Tailor’s[/u][/b] “Oh yeah, this look works! Thanks, supergirl!” Lute readjusted his mask and saw that Trix already had her purple one on. Cool! They looked awesome! Well, he didn’t look that cool, but if he stuck along with everyone maybe their sparkly radiance thingy would make him appear nice too, huh? Trixie asked him what his superhero moniker was and Lute took a moment to think about it. He was never really good at naming objects, like that time Ruana adopted a mouse and he called it Cheesebits as opposed to her much more refined choice which was Randolph, much less himself. To think of it, he’d probably ruin his reputation as a superhero if he made up his own alias. He shot a look at Dalia and Lucien for help, but upon feeling the prankster’s stare intensifying he decided to, well, wreck it. Sweeping his arm downwards in a melodramatic manner, Lute bowed before raising his other fist in the air. “I.. am.. the one and only Echo!” [i]‘Well shit, bro. You totes ruined our lives.’[/i] Delilah looked even surlier than her usual fix as soon as she heard the name the virtuoso had whipped up. “The name’s under reconsideration! I mean, the superhero league’s still deciding whether my alias is up to par, you know. Ha ha ha…” Lute’s cheeks turned pink and he scratched the back of his head. “Anyway, looks like we’re all set!” He hastily swept the conversation to another topic and tugged on his suit, ready to leave as soon as everyone was okay.