Name: Artemis Demoria Age: 16 Appearance: Artemis is a rather...'formal' looking male, with a naturally slanted nose, and a pale, angular face, though due to his age it's still losing some of it's original baby fat. His eyes are a bright, yet calmed black, seemingly taking in and analyzing everything. Art's hair is rather odd as well. A shade of peculiar white, lightly folding between his coal-like eyes and naturally rolling down his head and hiding his ears; a wonderful canvas of bone-white hair set into a natural 'slicked-back' hairstyle. He stands within the average height of a child his age, if not a tad smaller, his body-form both slender and fit from dieting and common exercise, more often then not the exercise ends up being jogging or swimming. Artemis's usual choice of clothing is light, casual, and yet oddly formal, preferring to feel the breeze, as they say. Personality: Art is rather...distant, once you actually meet him the first time. Easily dismissive of anyone other than people he find worth talking to or interacting with, and a rather mocking, sharp, and sarcastic person once forced to interact with someone loud or, in his eyes, annoying. He has no trouble making friends; his rather...soft, monotonic voice could be hypnotizing when enforced, and his seemingly regal, yet quiet appearance does little to run off any potential friends. No, what sets him apart from possible friendships is, as you guessed it, his actual personality. Naturally quiet and calm-headed, Artemis tends to think things through quickly and calculatingly, a tribute to his immensely tactical and intelligent mind frame. He could be seen as cold and brutally honest, due to him not pussy-footing over insults or wordings, but if you actually manage to befriend him then be prepared for an overly-protective guardian. Once with friends and not strangers, Artemis's personality subtly shifts; he becomes more...'chilled' instead of 'frigid', and could be a kind, warm-hearted gentleman, a lot more laidback then his previous posture, and a general treat to be around. When not among friends, and with strangers, Artemis tends to keep to himself, either reading a book or practicing magic that he otherwise didn't know, or certain skills that he is average with. When there's something to do, Art does it with the utmost efficiency and sharpness, though he could sometimes be lazy and mess something up if he believes it to be unworthy or a waste of time, which, most of the time, it ends up being. Despite his flaws and strengths, Artemis is a big 'softie' on the inside, liking companionship and friendship even if it seems as if he doesn't at times. Yet, if you anger him enough, which is unlikely, prepare yourself. Isn't afraid to speak up, and is often annoyed by shy, weak-willed boys and girls. Regular or Witch: Witch Talent: Artemis is a prodigy when it comes to arts relying on the usage of the ice, water, and snow, along with it's components. History: His history isn't something exceedingly great. Artemis grew up in a rich, noble, and overall ancient family, living in solitude for most of his life. His parents were never there, and the only people to keep him company was a lot of maids and butlers. Of course, they were not hired to be a babysitter, so love and acknowledgement wasn't, and still isn't, something he was/is used to. This caused Artemis to put on a stoic and cold font, yet no one looked past his mask, and this only enforced the mask to meld into actual reality. He threw himself into studying, and utilized the maids and butlers to teach him privately whenever they were not busy cleaning or lounging around. Eventually, at the age of 7, while studying for a test, Artemis learned of something amazing; he had magical prowess! It starated when he froze a glass of tea, and it was further proven when he actually floated when going for a daily jog. This relevation only cemented his fears, and through sheer fear of being found out, he ran away from home at the age of 9, being sent to an orphanage only a week later. There, in the safety of his own room, did he practice his magical powers where no one would find him, becoming well-versed in the cold, frigid, yet soothing power of his element. He learned to contort ice into various shapes, pull water out of thin air to use as whips, and to even levitate and give himself a permanent boost of both agility and speed by blessing his legs and body with the swiftness of the Wind. Eventually, he was found out when drifting through a nearby forest park by Ms. Galeyard. The needed acknowledgement helped the young boy, turning him into whom he is today. Extra: N/A