[img=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120209125458/lotr/images/7/79/Uruk_Hai.jpg] I sort of like this representation of the Orcish army at Helm's Deep in the Two Towers; and I was doing a bit of last minute research and realized that the army we're modeling a lot of this on is the Uruk-Hai. Plate-armored orcish pikes, swordsmen, bowmen and the rest. What's more, they were mixes of man and orc in the book anyway, which sort of suits the spiritual foundation of Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi. I'm going to put up guidelines in the sheet thread and so forth, and we're going to start the character creation process now, just keep in mind that this is meant to be an organized military unit. I'll also have a unit table of organization and equipment up by the same token.