"I am sorry to hear that. We tried to help as fast as we could," said Shepard, even if she see no point in saying it. It were empty words, nothing more than social phrase with little bit of dull empathy on top of it. She didn´t know any of the Quarinas and their deaths meant just a little to the commander. It was harsh way of thinking, but at least it was honest. After Mindoir and Akuze, she always hated people pretending to feel for her loss. They knew nothing about how she felt or what she had endured, but their words were always full of false compassion. From what she had seen, the Quarian wasn´t looking for a shoulder to cry on too. She had just seen almost fifty of her companions die, and she was still strong enough to stand on her feet with a weapon ready to shoot at first sight of troubles. She had to be a strong woman with a firm backbone and Jane didn´t want to offend her with empty words of comfort and sympathy. "At least we "killed" their murderers... " She didn´t know if a word killing was appropriate for destroying the Geth, but she could that would describe the pile of bodies laying on the ground better. She wanted to introduce herself as a part of Alliance navy, but she stopped herself before doing it. She wasn´t with Alliance now, at least technically and her new tittle had a fancy jing to it. "I am commander Shepard, a spectre. I think we should leave this place before more Geths arrive. Loss of the strike force this big surely had to make them a little bit curious and I don´t think I am in a condition to fight anything they send to investigate it. And when we will be on our way, you could tell us what were you doing here and what reason Geth had to attack you."