Hello to one and all! I'm a female being. I go by Amani, but I've been called most things in the spectrum from Toiletface to Princess, my full name and then some. I don't really mind. Like many, I am a product of the cesspool that is Generation Z in which everyone is too young to do anything, and so, I've faced issues regarding my age in nearly every endeavor, online or otherwise. For this reason I prefer not to disclose my exact age, but rest assured I'm no clueless 12-year-old. I am in love with apocalypse RPs to the point of ridicule, ranging from your classic zombie apocalypse (my personal favorite) to a divine Judgment Day, an all-consuming natural disaster, and of course, the (in my opinion the most desolate) scenario in which mankind destroys itself through industrialization, and, by extension, pollution, deforestation and global warming. I've got a fair amount of research under my belt for each one of these. In general, I'm a gore, angst, violence, death, drama type of person, and it's what I write best. I hope to make many of your acquaintances and partake in the writing of digital epics!