“Roger that 28-2K, we’re just a little on edge here. You know how it’s been between the Star Marshals lately, I swear there’s going to be a civil war some time soon. That wont be good for anyone.” The guard let himself go to ease once he had heard to obviously human voice on the other end of the radio-line. “We can’t completely leave our post, so i’ll come in by myself to cover you while you check out the damage to the facility hull,” He signed off the link to the dead guard’s headset, and linked a new channel to the guard in room 50, a small, sealed containment chamber for high disorientation and incendiary mining explosives. There were 3 such chambers, all kept locked for obvious reasons. “Come in 50-1-K, this is 29-3-K, we need an additional man to cover 28 while they assess some damage to the facility, request you support through the south door, over,” “This is 50-1-K. I hear you loud and clear, on my way now.” The guard in 50 immediately set down a data pad he was using the process some unknown data, placing it upon the terminal he was stationed at and turning on his heel to the door that kept the explosives safe. He unlocked the door with a quick ID scan and swiftly jogged down the hallway to the door or 28, which slid open; he strolled through, not expecting anything out of the ordinary… The guard from 29 cautiously moved through the upper-east door of 28, with his rifle raised however. He was not taking any chances…