He did not notice the commotion, and thus when people began to pull away from his wares, the merchant was surprised. "Ey, ey, ey.... Where y'all goin'? If ya ask me this is a sick party I--" The end of his rap was cut short by a lightshow, people were gasping, scared, watching the spectacle before them. He was able to capture the moment like a picture, understanding just a bit of exactly what was happening. His merchant mind broke it down to math. Chilfos harassed by some sort of noble x magic squared by the root of fear equals.... [i]Profit.[/i] "People of Hyrule!! .... I am in Hyrule right, shit man..." Came the booming voice of the merchant in black, extending his arms out to catch the attention of the crowd. There was one way to quell the fears of those around him. "There is only one way To protect ya'self Ya can't just sit and stay Ya gotta gotta do Whatcha gotta do Do So' follow me it's only Ten Rupees a minute I'ma show you how to ward of evil With this dance so spin it Yeah!" With that the merchant began a dance not unlike so... [img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130217002246/dragonball/images/2/2e/0053-Stupid_Dance.gif] He danced his way over to where people were looking before. Some Hylians did join in, lots of children mostly wanting to copy the dance but also many elders who feared evil spirits. Even one young woman pulled her partner in and they danced. The strange merchant passed in front of the golden clad noble, shaking his hips and making beatboxing noises. That is, he's not that good at beatboxing, but soon the towns band played up to go with the merchants dance of 'warding off evil.' Maybe they didn't believe him, but they did want to get over the scare of what just happened and return to having fun.