[quote=Mike the Bloodwolf] Well I was told that unless you can connect it to a world, you were not allow to be anything. Besides all he has is Dragon wings and dragon fire, it's not like he can become a dragon or take on dragon form. Even the dragon would only last for about half of the rp anyway. [/quote] I have my reservations about the dragon aspects of the character... well, particularly that he is essentially half dragon. I just don't see that aspect of him as validated within the KH canon; not through Land of Dragons anyways, as, even with dragons themselves existent within that world and its source, my recollection is that no such hybrids have existed and probably wouldn't exist. Having dragon-like abilities, such as exhaling fire and such is fine, but literally being half-dragon just doesn't seem feasible within the given context. [quote=ColorMeEvil]is very similar to that of a very young spoiled, selfish child, in that he retains no form of compassion or remorse for any of his actions. Furthermore, due to his selfish and capricious personality and mind-set, he is incapable of developing empathy and comprehending the nature of his actions. King is also, like a child, very unpredictable in his behavior and actions, sometimes randomly falling asleep during battle, or acting like a monkey by banging his chest with his fists.[/quote] Maybe it's not as big a problem as Kurai and myself want it to be, but we are a bit unsettled by the fact that this snippet has apparently been directly copy-pasted from a [url=http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Kid_Buu]source[/url] that is, by any good guess, not your own work.