The Legate took the message from the Bosmer and smiled triumphantly "Deliver the Empires thanks to your keeper." He turned to the messenger "Report back to the Governor millitant" The Legate turned his head over his shoulders to one of the officers "Take a small number of troops, a dozen or so, to help the Keepers clansmen to halt the trade from the south." "As you wish, sir" The Nord said, snapping a salute before rushing off to conduct his orders. Meanwhile, the Legate continued to march on. They arrived at the Thalmor encampment and noticed it appeared to be a medical center for any who had been injured by the bosmer in the woods, as well as a major border checkpoint. From what he had gathered from the Bosmer, this major base was crucial to the Thalmor war effort, housing craftsmen and the like. There was no honour in killing the wounded, sick or crafters. But if he drove them away... As soon as the Thalmor learnt a major medical centre had been razed, moral would be hit again for sure. Severely wounded men could rarely be treated on the battlefield, they usually has to be sent away. For him this was easy, these were the lands of the bosmer, virtually all of whom would help the Imperials who were helping them fight off the Thalmor... If he razed this base and captured the healers the Thalmor would either need to ship more in from the Sommerset isle or send the severely wounded back to the isle... Neither of which would be good for them, especially now the largest docks were occupied and the Imperial Navy had taken control of Elven ships, meaning that the Elves would first have to break the naval vessels that was positioned off Valenwood to do so. This Campaign was going excellent... The legate could almost smell victory and his men were in excellent spirits. The Thalmor had suddenly found themselves in hostile territory, arrows whizzing down at them from people they had thought subdued while the Imperials secured the coast to cut off reinforcements, with an allied army of Bosmer and Empire travelled around Valenwood, targeting strategic positions. Altmer supremacy had just been slapped, and the Legate was certain the moral of the Altmer had suffered as a result of the combination of the above... How long until they surrendered then, that was the Question... Elsweyr The Imperial Administration just released a paper detailing reasons why Elsweyr should remain with the Empire. Most prominent among these was - Protection from external threats such as the Aldmeri dominion through the garrison of legionaries and fortifications, and the guarantee of support when we are in need. One should not forget the supply of Imperial arms and armour that were given free of charge to help our revolutionaries fight off the Thalmor -Higher income due to the free trade laws in state with the other states of the Empire, in addition to the freedom to trade with whoever we please, as well as the ability to create and edit our laws at will, so long as they don't conflict with Capital laws such as murder and treason, or go against moral values such as the abolition of slavery -Protection of Khajiit and our customs from discrimination throughout the Empire shows that the Imperials respect us. Other cultures may mot tolerate this, and an independent Elsweyr would be more open to invasion and could have its culture abolished by its new occupiers -Freedom from slavery is enforced under the Empire, and as the Empire protects us we are safe from the slavery imposed on our ancestors by races in the past which might wish to invade and enslave us -Independence threatens the fragile stability Elsweyr has, which is carefully maintained by our friends in the Empire. As shown by recent events, we are easily fractured and brought to the brink of war, but the Emprie has stepped in to try and find a peaceful resolution to the conflict rather than going to war -The Empire has been instrumental in saving Tamriel from chaos for Era's, and once the Empire fell Tamriel descended into wars. Staying with the Empire will help to reverse this damage, while leaving it will only further Tamriels problems