Tilli surprised by the sudden outburst of the other, counting stranger. She looked back at the man with the boar and watched with fear at the odd mans expressions, as if he were not sure what to do with her. He pointed at his strange little home, what was that supposed to mean? She now sat on the ground with complete confusion, suddenly she remembered the man who was counting down and turned to face him. He was an odd fellow, why did he come to her rescue? The boar man had not harmed her but instead he had just walked away, completely ignoring the counting mans threat. She stared at him for a couple minutes than stood up again, she picked up her bag off the ground and stuffed her blanket inside. She suddenly felt a little rude to the boar man, feeling he was trying to offer a safe place to go. She looked up at the strange man who counted and smiled kindly. "Thank you for your help, but he did not hurt me. I just thought he was going to, I was sleeping see and he awoke me, he just startled me," she pulled her long thick red braid in front of her chest, little purple flowers were placed inside it. She shifted her legs, little bruises and scrapes were all over he, and little dirt spots were all over her clothes and skin. She dusted off her skirt and removed a couple twigs from her hair. She blushed at the stranger, feeling she had probably just wasted so much of his time. She than pointed at the boar mans house. "I think I will go talk to the boar man, and apologize for being so rude. I am so tired, I have been traveling for five days now. This forest has taken a lot out of me, and I spend a lot of time running at night. Oh, you could come with me to, counting man, if you want," she smiled at him and curtsied. She than turned and started towards the boar man. She wondered what she would say to him. She felt her stomach grumble, apparently the little she had ate had not settled her stomach and she suddenly looked sad. She hoped he had water, since she figured she would probably die before reaching her destination.