[quote=Soul] Awesome.Excuse me for asking, but where will the 'regulars' come into play on this? If our characters are hellbent on keeping their powers secret, that is. [/quote] One, they will serve as a story advancer when in the school setting. But most importantly, just because you want to keep something a secret, doesn't mean you always can... especially in High School. Which also provides a link for the witch hunters (who I may allow to be roleplayable [if that's a word?]). They are pretty much there so that it's not all just magic, to show that these people really are living in a normal world. I don't know if that makes any sense, but I wanted there to be a human aspect to this, to show that even those these guys have unlimited potential, they have to put up with the same crap we all did. I probably sound like I'm on drugs. .-.