It was an absolute miracle that Tarnolin Manor was still habitable. Topiaries that we're once beautifully shaped into exotic creatures were now overgrown and twisted into contorted shapes. The hundreds upon hundreds of windows sat covered in thick black curtains, hiding the interior from view. The pavement was cracked and broken, weeds and moss creeping up between the cracks. Only the gate appeared new and well-maintained. The iron gate towered ten feet high with sharp spikes on top. It completely surrounded the estate. Perhaps it was to keep wild animals out...or to keep something in. Kessa patted her trousers, glancing at her two younger companions nervously. Owen and Rienna, both dressed in their finest, kept their gaze to the ground. They all shared the same uneasy thought.Though Sir Geoffrey was a proud man, he rarely held parties for no reason. So why hold one now? Clearing her throat, Kessa led her companions to the front door and opened them wide. It was raining hard outside, and it didn't seem ready to ease up. Only a madman would've gone out in weather like this, yet already she could see a few cars coming in. It was time for the party to begin,