Cyrus stood from the platform with a groan and took a few steps to Buckle, "Name's Cyrus White, friend, if there's one thing I can't stand it's being called "the preacher" " he looked around for a few moments at the people who referred to him as such. "It's just like Splinters said, but enough gunpowder will stop anything in their tracks long enough to dispose of them..." he stepped over to where he had left his shotgun and brought it over, a Colt 10 gauge double. "I once nearly tore an entire werewolf in half with two trigger pulls." he smiled looking at his prized weapon. "Still had to stab the bastard with a silver knife to finish the job though, so you need to know what you're up against." he closed the breech on the gun and set it on the platform. He looked over to Splinters who asked him a question, "I found this poor bastard about a half mile out of town, I assumed he had been left for dead by a pack of the som'bitches" Cyrus kicked the body again for good measure. "These things are getting desperate for blood, they usually don't get this close to town"