[u]Oravos the Nerevarine[/u] Grand Conference Hall, New Vivec Oravos stood at the porch connected to the room, entertaining himself by staring at the glimmering sky above. There was a meeting going on, but he excused himself from it, to let the Grand Councillors debate with each other without him holding back their opinions. News of the Imperials further advance against the Thalmor and the death of the Mane reached his chambers recently, resulting the meeting that he had to attend today. "I think its best if you just reveal yourself... the councilors are too busy arguing to take notice of you." He says suddenly, since he felt a presence on the roof above him. Soon as he finish saying his words, a figure drops down on the space beside him, landing on a kneeling position and remains that way as he continues to speak with Oravos. "We have already executed all of the Imperial loyalists within the Armiger's ranks, the men are currently waiting for further orders." says the kneeling Dunmer. "Excellent, is there anything else?" Oravos responded. "Yagrum Bagarn's work is finished, the only thing left is for you to inspect it Muthsera." The kneeling Dunmer replies. "I'll see to it later, have the men ready, the instructions of your next task is written inside." says Oravos while handing a small scroll to the agent. After receiving the scroll, the figure exits by casting a spell on himself which made him vanish into thin air. As fate might have destined it, a servant opens the door leading to the porch, right after the agent had left. "Muthsera, the Councillors have reached an agreement, and would like to hear your approval." A servant says, prompting Oravos to return back to the meeting. ---- A few hours later ---- Molag Volen, Vvardenfell The meeting ended shortly after Oravos joined back in, giving him enough time to visit Molag Volen before midnight comes. Upon entering the hidden stronghold an unfamilliar sight welcomed him, the place was now filled with huge [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/152/c/5/golem_by_mysticaldonkey1-d51wqy6.jpg]golems[/url] patrolling its halls, as if they were the new residents to Dagoth Ur's former lair. The constructs now residing inside was seen to be somewhat sentient in a way as they can determine which is friend from foe, and especially who it's masters are. The golems were massively built but were surprisingly agile than what they appear to be. They were able to respond to Oravos' presence within a few seconds from the other end of the hall, which would normally take them at least a minute, given by their size. A mage can easily notice that these constructs also contained magicka within them, since every crevice of the joints and cracks trickled a portion of the magicka in the form of molten rocks. "They're like the Atronachs, but has more power than three of those combined." says Neloth while walking towards his king who was currently standing on the center of the entrance hall. "Yagrum Bagarn is in the main forge, preparing [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/034/d/9/iron_golem_by_dleoblack-d5tppz6.jpg]Azarkan[/url]." Neloth says, knowing that he would want to know where the Dwemer is. "Lead me to him then, I want to see the one that will lead these golems into the battlefield." Oravos replied as he began walking. The journey to the main forge was short, but was extremely unpleasant mainly because it was found deep below the volcano where the walls and ceilings were breached during the Red Year. "I've placed the soul gem like you've told me to, but I'm not sure if the body is capable of containing the power once its alive" says Yagrum while he skitters slowly towards a rune that was engraved on Azarkan's chest. "Once I'm done with this, we're even, alright?" Yagrum Bagarn added before signalling Neloth to cast the rune, lighting up the metallic construct to life. The golem began to spark and shake while the hearthstone inside began to pulsate, giving life into the finest golem constructed for Oravos. Streams of lava began to flow on the carvings on its metallic carapace, while its crystal like eyes flickered red. Its chest began to grow a crystalline material, covering the place where the rune was once located, signalling that the procedure is coming to an end. Once the golem stopped shaking and sparking, a long drag of steam came out from its mouth, which was followed shortly by a deep but hollow voice. "[i]I...live...to...serve.. my master...[/i]"