Hadrian smiled as he looked back to see the two talking, he felt amazing for how well he handled it. Walking to the house he couldn't help but wonder what it was like to share a meal with people. He as a bit of a glutton and being alone for so long he hadn't needed to. Ignoring his his issue he opened the door to his one roomed cabin, a large stone chimney and a large amount on wood piled in a corner, a bear skin rug on the wooden floors and a table in the corner. A large mat covered in s large amount of furry blankets over the mat. Instantly sitting down and going to the barrels in next to the table, covered in tin cups and scooped a drink of water. As he watched the boar laying on the ground he knew he should begin gutting and skinning the meal before anyone joined him. Sighing as he opened the beast's neck and draining it's fluids into a bucket, hadrian began to drool. Two people may be staying over, and one is a cute girl, and together with his magic feast he could not wait to talk to them.