Name: Phillip Garret Age: 16 Appearance: Very slim with tiny muscles and big glasses. He has a specific designated color that he wears for every day of the week. He's very pale, with light brown hair and blue eyes. He's pretty ordinary-looking, if you can get past the occasional weird random gestures he does. Personality: Phillip is a high-functioning autistic, which explains the colors and the gestures. He is terrible at interacting with people, and he really doesn't like being touched. People would need to get express permission (mostly written) to hug him, although the only ones to have signed on so far are his parents and his younger sister. He really doesn't care about offending people, which is good, because he thinks out loud. Many of his teachers don't like him because he's always questioning their teaching- "What do you [i]mean[/i] we can't chew gum? That increases the flow of blood to the brain which makes us think better, are you trying to wreck us sir, are you trying to wreck our grades?" He likes cats a lot, too. Schedule changes? Nope nope nope. Regular or Witch: Regular History: His entire life has been a history of everyone around him trying to cope with his odd quirks. His parents of course are used to it, because being asked to mark the exact amount of calories in your son's lunch eventually gets in your head. Extra: Name: Tracy Neil Age: 17 Appearance: Frizzy red hair that she attempts to tame with a ponytail, dark green eyes and tannish skin with freckles. She has a nasty-looking scar on her right hand from getting it smashed in a car door when she was little, and limited dexterity in that hand. Needless to say she's a lefty. Personality: Caring, protective, only opens up to a few people, confident. She's also pretty humorous and will happily go along with any mean-intentioned "ginger" jokes made in her vicinity. She watches out for Phillip quite a bit to keep him out of trouble. She is currently trying to go through the process of getting permission to hug him, but he's the last person to tell she's a witch, because he'd be quite loud in his reply. Regular or Witch: Witch Talent: Illusion casting? History: Not very out of the ordinary. Unless being a witch is hereditary, her parents don't know she is one, and she was raised normally. She discovered her talent (obviously I'll edit this out if not approved) when a large dog began chasing her little pre-teen self while barking ferociously, and not aware that the poor thing only wanted to play she caused it to hallucinate and curl up on the ground whimpering while she ran home. Extra: