[hider=In Armor][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XgVAmaxogHI/Tmjat84vIwI/AAAAAAAAA0w/Oqlp1vIhp-k/s1600/711px-High_Overlord_Saurfang.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Out of Armor][img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/zhul_Orc_TCG_1874.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Ar'kar Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Orc Personality: Ferocious and Fierce, Tends to barely have any happy emotions, Coming to female's he will flirt and show off... Powers*keep it reasonable*: Ar'Kar's power is his immense strength, Being an orc will give him twice the strength of a regular human, Also becoming injured enrages the Orc to take harsher hits Position: Teacher of Strength Other: Carries around a large War axe which he made himself [hider=Waraxe][img]http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120814140336/elderscrolls/images/0/0d/Dragonbattleaxe.png[/img][/hider]