[center][img]http://media.culturemap.com/crop/2f/3a/325x325/Chris-Pine-in-Jack-Ryan-Shadow-Recruit_154203.jpg[/img][/center] Mathias waited outside a pair of large, intricately detailed dark oak doors. Or so he thought anyways. Other than two guards - former military by their posture - the corridor was deserted. He felt the two older men size him up. It was only natural. What danger could this 22 year old pose to them? He itched to show them how easily he could silence them permanently. Of course, he couldn't do that however. What did it mean to live a civilian life? What did it mean to live a normal life? It was always a question Mathias thought of when he could spare it. His family dabbled within a dangerous yet rewarding profession. The art of killing, or he was told. The term murderer had been drilled out of his mind, for the family saw themselves much higher than that. He was told that he stood amongst the few who made the world a better place with the death of someone who had done wrongly onto another. He would act with tempered reverence when killing where a murderer would succumb to psychotic urges. In short, his kills were clean and purposeful. A average person's was not. With the tiniest movement, his eyes trained on the guard to the right as he touched an earpiece. The guard nodded and looked at him. "Mr. Anderson will see you know," said the brute of a man. "No funny business." Brushing off the man's words, Mathias walked on in. He was greeted with the sight of an extravagant office. The walls reminded him of the senate room when the Roman Empire was still a thing. Large windows looked out onto the courtyard beyond where a large water fountain resided. He noted several hats moving about - gardeners he supposed. Clasping his calloused hands together, he awaited his employer as the old man busily scribbled on his note pad. A few moments later, he looked up. There was an intelligence in the man's eyes, a fierceness that told Mathias that this man was much more than an honest CEO. "Mr. Raines," he said. He motioned towards one of the two seats at his desk. "Please, sit." Mathias took the seat and waited. "I was expecting someone much ... older for the price I paid." "Mr. Anderson," Mathias said, breaking his silent vigil. "The Society assures you that your investment was not a waste." "Indeed? I suppose you weren't told of your assignment." "You wish to ascertain protection for your daughter." Mr. Anderson was momentarily taken aback. Mathias suppressed a grin. It was [i]his[/i] business to know everything going in, regardless if the client gave information or not. It was one of his many traits that the Society valued, his clients loathed. Masking the surprise, his employer exhaled deeply. "I see you are very well informed. Yes, protection for my daughter. I would default to my own personal retinue, but an outsider may be more suited. I understand that the Society doesn't break their contract until released." "Precisely so, Mr. Anderson." "You will be given quarters within our estate. Near where the guards stay. If any hint of danger approaches my daughter..." Mathias replied with a stone cold face, "I will handle the problem accordingly. Rest assured." Right then, the door behind Mathias creaked open, as he turned around, his hand reaching for his firearm. He stayed it when he saw a girl with the most vibrant of hair color. He remained silent as his employer briefly introduced him and the nature of his presence. Succinct and to the point he thought. He got to his feet as he studied her. He noted the very slight annoyed expression she had on her face. He couldn't blame her. "Ms. Anderson," he said. "A pleasure. Mr. Anderson, if you'll excuse me?" The old man waved dismissively as he returned to his work. The assassin stood stock still, waiting to see what Ms. Ryleigh Anderson would do next.