[b]Character Sheet[/b] ([url=https://titanpad.com/lYloWERuZa]Template Here[/url]) [B]Name:[/b] Sergeant Uriel [B]Age:[/b] 341 [B]Physical Description:[/b] [INDENT]Though he wears some hair atop his head, Uriel's sides are shorn completely of hair, the better to prominently display three century service studs. He bears scars from the claws of a chaos beast on his right cheek and the imperial eagle tattooed upon the other. Physiologically, he is the standard Space Marine.[/INDENT] [B]Character History:[/b] [INDENT]Uriel was recruited from Priscina IV but remembers nothing of it, for the Dark Angels purged his memories as part of his induction into the Chapter. Progressing from serf to initiate, he showed resourcefulness in a fight and a keen power of observation -- he was not un-eager, but was methodical in everything he did. Serving as a scout, he made a superlative sniper, patiently and calmly waiting for his target to enter the crosshairs, never impatient to take the shot. He won his entry into the Chapter in an action against the Eldar, when his was the shot that felled a Dark Reapers exarch who was laying down fire on the main body of battle brothers his squad was supporting. As a student of Naaman, his performance is reflective of the training he received. Notable Campaigns include: - Fourth Quadrant Rebellion (775-780.M41) - As part of the 5th Company. Chaos Guardsmen, rebelling planetary governors - The Siege of Vraks (821.M41) - As part of the 5th Company. A strike to disable a key spaceport fallen into Chaos hands became an ambush by the Alpha Legion. Uriel, as a recently-promoted Sergeant, led his tactical squad with expertise, particularly in his counter-ambush of a Chaos Dreadnought and supporting cultist infantry and Chaos Marines with melta-bombs cunningly set. This feat of patience and cool-headeness prevented a devastating flanking attack on Azrael's main force as it attacked the starport, and earned Uriel induction into the Deathwing, which is to say, his Terminator Honors. - Pandorax Campaign (959-961.M41) - As part of the 1st Company. A fight against Abbadon the Despoiler's forces. Notably, he met Catachan Jungle Fighters for the first time, and was impressed with their tenacity. - Battle of Piscina IV (221997.M41) - As a veteran sergeant of the 3rd Company, he led the squad in defense of Priscina against Greenskins. Despite the toll taken on the Dark Angels, they prevailed, albeit at the cost of the life of Naaman and much of the planet. (Most of the characters may be veterans of this fight, reformed into Uriel's squad after that.) He was part of the defense of Koth ridge. [/INDENT] [B]Psychological Profile:[/b] [INDENT]Uriel is not the typical Space Marine tactical sergeant; he allows his Space Marines a degree of discretion in choosing their individual armament according to preference, his phrase being, "As you see fit, brother, so long as you do not unbalance the squad." He is remarkably calm in the face of battle and in almost everything he does -- to some, he seems lax in discipline, and yet he gets results -- he makes what he does look easy, even as he seems easygoing. Beneath that facade is a keen tactical mind. In fact, his considerable calmness, beyond even the "They Shall Know No Fear" pronouncement of the Emperor, aids him in making his decisions. In other circumstances, however, he remains an orthodox Dark Angel space marine; he is intolerant of Xenos and any dealings with them and is constantly on the lookout for activity of the Fallen. The other brothers do not know the secret of the chapter, that their own had fallen, and Uriel doesn't know the whole story, but he is ever-vigilant for opportunities to hunt the forces of Chaos and root them out, for there is ever the possibility of finding a traitor to the Legion. He cannot share this burden with the brothers, but Dark Angels are generally taught to obey orders and not question, even as they are fed a mythology of the Dark Angels purging traitors that builds up to the monstrous secret of the Unforgiven.[/INDENT] [B]Equipment:[/b] [INDENT]- Uriel tends to take whatever balances the squad's loadout, though he has a marked preference for the Stalker-Pattern bolter, which has an elongated barrel and an M40 targeter. - Frag and Krak grenades - Always carries a satchel charge and a melta bomb; he is something of an authority on the use of explosives, even among Space Marines. - Mk III Bolt Pistol - Combat Knife - Mk. VII Aquila Power Armor with multiple purity seals and robes, though there is a time and a place for the robes. If he is wearing a helmet, it is painted white to denote that he is a member of the Deathwing. There is an icon of a winged, robed figure with a sword pointed down mounted upon his power pack. [/INDENT]