Ryleigh was still in shock at the whole situation as the man stood. They had numerous staff around, guards around, people all over the house that could see her every move. Now someone would be joining her outside. She looked from her father to the man in question and back again. "Ryleigh, don't even try to argue this... It's happening. Now, I have business to attend to that is not for your eyes and ears." Her father finally spoke again after looking up from his papers to see that she hadn't left. With a sigh, the only daughter of the CEO left the room, letting someone else close the door. Outside she eyed the male that was suddenly her protection warily. She couldn't stop this, she knew that. And she certainly wasn't happy with it, but there was nothing she could do. He looked so serious, as serious as she looked all the time if Lainy's complaints were anything to go by when her friend complained about her being too serious all the time. And Ryleigh was serious, to the point where it was almost like a disease. The CEO's daughter liked to take organisation to the extreme. She had lists for everything, lists of lists, lists for shopping, lists for daily routines, lists for days out, lists for books to read, lists for movies to watch. If there was a list to be made, Ryleigh made it. She was super organised. Lainy would tease her for it all the time. But it kept Ryleigh stress free and happy, it seemed. "If we 're hanging out together, we have to have rules." Ryleigh finally decided to start. "One..." She started walking up the stairs towards her bedroom. "I'm to be called Ryleigh. Not Ms. Anderson, and definitely not Ry. Just Ryleigh." She already felt the urge to write the man a list, and as soon as they were in her highly organised room that contained mostly books and cuddly toys of all varieties, a pencil and paper were grabbed and she started writing. "Two. Please try to look normal. I don't want to be seen with some person in a suit. It's distracting. I study with people and I work. Which leads me to point three. When I'm working and studying please keep a good distance away. You'll scare people." Ryleigh's list and rule making was suddenly interrupted by a high pitched squeal from behind both of them. Ryleigh knew the voice immediately and nearly put her hand to her face as the words left her friend's mouth. "Wow... Ry. How long have you been keeping this hunk of meat hidden from me? Isn't he gorgeous? What's his name and have you claimed him already?" Lainy grinned, happy to completely embarrass her friend who she'd never seen converse with someone of the opposite sex properly. "No...no... Look stop. I'm giving him the rules. My dad thinks I need protecting, now please let me finish the rules." "Oh God no. You are not.., you have no idea how to converse with a guy. You do not start with rules. Do you even know his name?" With Ryleigh's silence, Lainy shook her head and turned to the male in the room. "Hey, I'm Lainy. Most people call me Lain. Forgive Ry. She has no idea how to hold a conversation with the male species, but I know how to well. Just give her time to learn." With that, Lainy took his hand and shook it before grabbing Ry and making her do the same.