The assassin smirked and sheathed her dagger, then responded with a curt shrug, “I slept rather well, actually. Thanks.” After her response, she pointed towards Drake and continued, “I assume that you know this guy here?” Drake grunted and Flake nodded after hearing the lady’s question, then the guard said , “too well sometimes.” For the next few minutes, Raine walked over to her armor and attempted to get suited up once more. As she did, Flake approached Drake and whispered in his ear, “Delta six.” Drake bellowed out a laugh, then Flake started to chuckle as well, leaning against the wall in the alley to support him. “You’re kidding,” Drake begged, still laughing under his visor. “I’m not,” Flake retorted, serious once again. Drake looked over at Raine for a few seconds in disbelief, then whispered in Flake’s ear, “that’s more than just a favor.” The bounty hunter quickly whispered back, “that’s a lie and you know it.” The exchange of whispers continued for another few seconds, then stopped as Raine walked back over. Drake sighed, then asked, “do you need any armor, miss?” Flake smirked at Raine as she approached, fitting the stop-pin back into his sheath as he watched. Only one person from the original crowd remained by that point in time, a red-haired boy with a wooden sword at his hip. A lady swiftly walked by and rushed him away, thus ending the crowd scene. “Plates like that couldn’t even stop Drake’s fist,” Flake commented, grinning at the hunk of metal next to him with a competitive grin. At this comment, Drake rose his arm and flicked the bounty hunter’s shoulder with a loud thwack. The only response the guard got was a quiet chuckle, so he looked back over at Raine.