Figured I should get round to this before Carmen actually ends up in a fight, however many more weeks that might be x|. Gonna request a few changes to her current character sheet [url=](link)[/url] -- below lists her current minions and gives her a few more failsafes. [hider=Edits] [hider2=Changes to Physical Enhancements] (Intermediate) [u]Physical Prowess[/u]: Without transforming, Carmen can lift about 500 pounds, or more if combining this with her telekinesis. She can run at 60 mph when uncompressed, or 30 mph at her maximum weight. Her senses are naturally at peak ability, and can be dampened or disabled at will. (Intermediate) [u]Psuedo-Immortal[/u]: By default, Carmen's body is modified for absolute survivability, eliminating the most vulnerable of Human weak spots. Her lungs operate separately, and her heart is duplicated into two; due to this, a single puncture through either vital will hinder but not incapacitate her. Nervous tissues at the front of her neck act as a secondary spinal cord, preventing anything short of decapitation from disabling her. Her skeleton is remarkably sturdy, letting her shrug off a 50-foot fall if she lands correctly. The bonds of her skin, muscles and organs hold together as well as iron, upping her resistance against tearing, punctures and vibrations.[/hider2] [hider2=To Be Added to Equipment:] (Low) Four misshaped molars, carved from the bones of a jackal, hedgehog, sea lion and flying fox. Carmen has the furthest of her four molars replaced with these, allowing her a swift mammalian transformation in an emergency.[/hider2] [hider2=To Be Added to Current Constructs:] [u]Epilep Model 2[/u] ( 5'2" length, 5'10" wingspan) (Non-Humanoid, Rabbit / Dragonfly Hybrid) Extremely fast, high straight-line flight speed. Considerable strength in both its hind legs and wings. Tough-plated, but exposed underside and fragile due to its weight. Its hearing, smell, sight and vibration senses are exceptional. Withholds routines for stealthful scouting and locating, defending a target, improvised combat, and comprehensive species analysation. Can communicate with Carmen over encoded sound freqencies, inaudible by human ear. [u]Carthricean Model 1[/u] (6'10" height) (Humanoid, Shark / Crab Hybrid) Highly resilient; densely plated at the front, and almost as resistant along the back. Strong but sluggish. Four arms, three of which end in points, and and the last of which ends in an oversized, armored pincer with immense crushing power. Routines are centric around functioning as a bodyguard. Can interpret Carmen's commands over encoded sound frequencies.[/hider2] [/hider]