Nope, this was a misinformation, sorry about that. But since you're here, why not sit down and listen to my tale? I am Dame Daigle, and am interested in the Fantasy genre above all, though I like to mix it up with Historical, Futuristic and sometimes even Modern flavors. I like to come up with worlds and plots, and though character creating and development is not my forte, I try my best to be at least mediocre at it. I used to be a voracious reader, fanfic connoisseur and Shounen manga devourer but have since retaken a taste for MUDs and video games an have less time to do the former, along with my renewed vigor for roleplaying and writing. I am female, and speak both English and French, two languages I learned early in my twenty-three years of life. I live with my family and have an eldery dog whom I love dearly even if she's a grumpy little terror. That said, I leave you with well wishes and warm thoughts!