[b]Henrik Havarr of Týr[/b] Not yet king and already the muddled waters of politics were to make themselves known. Koval saw in a less than robust [i]black[/i] and [i]white[/i], but anticipating becoming a monarch was looking at the multi-angled issue with the perspective of a king. While the Gothran hounds seemed eager to fight, the Elves in the West had their eyes set solely on the conflict and Henrik would not so easily dismantle that fragile trust. Henrik saw through the ruse -- or perhaps it was no ruse but rather a genuine affair with boodlust -- of Koval. The Jarl of Arda’Njor had only one card to play, and he had just laid it down on the table. While Henrik deemed it important to keep the fierce warriors of the cold North on his side, the greatness of Norsia would not be prematurely extinguished by a war. "[i]You worry solely of Gothra, when your focus should remain with your countrymen. A king sits not on the throne and already you talk of crossing the border, Koval. Norsia [b]will[/b] be strong, and when it's Jarl's are satisfied, when it's people are fed and the cold winters are over will we march on Gothra, and not a moment before[/i]." Henrik, having been standing for several minutes since he announced his candidacy, he returned to his chair.