Half an hour later, and the vehicle had bumped it's way down the mountain, dropping almost a few thousand meters. But they were still above the snowline, and it was intermittent, as little contact had really been seen. But the .50 cal had been used by Ross, on one or two occasions, to take out a few trucks. They hadn't been long-lasting, to say the least. They thundered down the hills, and eventually, were 3km out from Fort Tempest and the village by it. Thundering in, Ross kept an eye out, the part snowy, part gravelly area a weird one indeed, but something you found in the foothills of some of the highest mountains of the world. Above the treeline, yet below the major snowfalls. It was a vague between. Ross looked over to Carl, as he mentioned what he heard over the comms. "I wouldn't be half surprised...fucking hell, you would think it." Jenny said, Ross shaking his head in how much the enemy was going to suffer at their hands. No doubt, it wasn't going to be good. "We're closing in...okay, Cordite, stick back and use a ridge to lay down sniper fire from, if it moves, kill it. We'll fucking ramraid right in, move to the PSCs, and back them up. They do the brunt of the work, we clean up. Sounds bad, but fuck...if they're like they are, no doubt we'll have not many to clean up." Ross added, as he looked over into the back of the ITV, at the snipers, who sat by his gun position. "You do realize we've never physically seen them, right? I mean, are they like you, on steroids?" Andrew asked, as Ross laughed. "Fuck...words don't say it all, mate. Carl can tell you. It's not fucking human, but dammit...you'll never see anything as awesome as that in your life." Ross said, as he shook his head, just still thinking about how crazy they were. They thumped down the road, the noise of fire down below in the village. "Shit, stop the jeep here, Saxon. Me and Nolan can move up from here." Andrew said, as Jenny screeched the jeep to a halt, the Growler ITV's snow trail ending as the vehicle stopped entirely, Andrew out the back with his XM500 as he moved out, waiting for Nolan as they scanned the area around, before looking back. "You do your thing, we'll do ours." Andrew said, as Jenny nodded, the fabric nameplate tag of her callsign, "Saxon", on the front of her suit and the rear of her neckbrace, perhaps a better name in the heat of battle. She started the car again, the MG4 close as they carried on, Andrew and Nolan moving out as they sought out a OP. The few Taliban and Al-Qaeda forces that were outside the village didn't hear it at first, but then they realized. Contacts. They fired on the vehicle from afar, the bullets that hit the vehicle doing little penetration at this range, and to the occupants, little to nothing, the three armored Juggernauts moving in the ITV at full pace. It was hard for Jenny to keep control of the pedals through the thick boots, but it was do-able, just about. Ross opened up with the fifty on the checkpoint, as the troops either hit the deck or were torn to shreds, Ross guessing Carl also had opened up, as they headed right for it. One of the men stood up and fired right at Jenny's head, the bullets penetrating the windscreen but doing little against her faceplate and helmet, as she stepped on it, and the man realized suddenly he had made a bad move. The car surged into him, and flung him canted off to the side, the vehicle's motion at around 50mph doing unspeakable damage in the way it had hit. Ross fired ahead on another sentry, the M2 blaring out loud 12.7mm rounds towards enemy, as they headed into more and more dense housing, taking out several Taliban on the route in. They were taking heavy fire, but it was what they could deal. An RPG flung behind them and kicked up a ton of dirt and dust, as Jenny cursed. "Call it a halt here, fuck that. Right into there!" Ross said, as Jenny cornered hard, skidding towards a piece of cover inside a shack. Literally. It was opened out, and she skidded the car to a halt within it, as Ross fired behind with the M2 at a whole cluster of soldiers, everyone disembarking after the cover fire. "Remember where we parked the car- Brute, Bear, we've made contact, south side of the town- Team Cordite is up on the ridge providing hefty sniper fire for us. What's the situation?" Ross said, as a distinctive voice could be heard on the other end. "Good...well, we're doing some damage here. You might want to join in, you know. Follow the explosions, we'll know when we see you. Bear out." Natalie said on the other end, as the scary female Russian voice that sounded like a Bond villaness ended. The noise of 40mm and loud gunfire was down the village, as Ross just thought to himself, how the fuck he hadn't really thought of that before as a tell. "Understood, Bear. We're en route." Ross said, as he looked to the rest through his visor, the heavy suit and his Mk48 in hand good to rock. "Carl, on me- Jenny, stick to the right hand flank of our approach. Let's roll these bastards over." Ross added, as he opened fire ahead on the road, moving with a slow jog as bullets pinged from his suit occasionally, taking out a grouping of enemy forces, as he gave Carl the chance to move up. It wasn't heavy and sustained, but it was shit this suit could take, to some degree at least. 7.62mm fire, and while it hit, it was staying out of the heavier and sustained fire that kept a Juggernaut alive. Lobbing a M67 down range, Ross watched it detonate within a shack and blow most of the fragile building apart, as Ross smirked, moving up as fire kicked up, and they came closer. Andrew ran, aware it fucked up his breath, as they looked down below. "Carl, get a perimeter defense up, I'll rig up my spotting equipment. This will do." He said, pointing to a position, as he lumbered on with the XM500, dumping it down on it's bipod as he pulled out the Spotting Device. Setting it up on it's tripod, he moved forwards toward it, already pinging up major points of interest. The fort's defenses, the shanty village, and one or two major structures. "Okay, Nolan, when it's set, jump on your rifle and shoot away. First targets, Fortifications at the Fort, sandstone rampart at the front. Six individuals, AKs, RPGs and MGs, 620m. I can't ping our two beasts of burden, but whatever the fuck is going on down there, it ain't just AKs and our MGs. Fuck...sounds more like an Armored Platoon rolled into town." Andrew added, as he tucked into the snowy alcove, adjusting the FLIR spotting device, as he looked at his own rifle. "You first, Nolan. Open up Mjolnir." Andrew said, a reference to the Norse warhammer of legend- these .50 cal rifles were like it, in that they really leveled what they hit. Or mostly disintegrated the target, turning creating a red mist that didn't need much explanation if it hit the right spot. ---- Meanwhile in the village, and things had gotten pretty clean quickly. Natalie's M134 buzzed loudly, with an ear-shatteringly loud vibration and noise, the weapon somehow stable in her hands, as she swept out a whole technical and a squad of Taliban that had outflanked them, or OPFOR- since it was now both Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and the unknown group involved in Brussels. It was an amalgamated group of terrorists and Anti-Westerners who planned bad things. But they weren't running today, and by God, were they not getting sympathy or quarter. They were getting none at all, Natalie looking through her visor in regular vision, as she tore apart a few more enemies, fire pouring from above. She watched Victor move forward, and she kept with him, firing behind at enemies that tried to surround them, as she casually walked over past one man, who was injured from Victor's shrapnel, and crushed his neck underfoot, before laying down more fire ahead. "That's the fort! Shit, lots of RPGs!" Natalie said over the comms, as she fired the multi-barreled minigun towards it, chipping cover away as Victor's XM307 barked loudly, detonating enemies into pieces as they pushed through. "Knight, we're holding position in front of the Fort, you can call some Apache CAS to take it out from afar. Tell them that there aren't civies here, they can scalpel it." Natalie said over the comms, as she kept up the fire, keeping out in the open as she knew that while she was a big target, she was laying down enough fire ahead at the ramparts, the enemy pinned for the moment being. "Victor, there's the gate, but I'm thinking a different method...how much C4 you got on you?" Natalie said, as she laid down more fire covering Victor, the shanty village right up to the Fort, which stood as a mainly sandstone structure, being almost like a typical Castle of sorts, with walls and ramparts, though the interior had been heavily militarized and the fort looked like it had seen better days.