As the second creature fell to the floor, Dean couldn't help but think about the situation he was in. All the surviving, and fighting, it suddenly felt pointless. It made him mad. He made such an effort to stay alive and this is how it ends? The idea of putting a bullet in his brain surfaced once more, but this time a much more serious thought and solution. He couldn't help but think of his mother. He'd give everything to see her again. It only hurt to think about it but there wasn't much else to think of at a time like this. Dean heard footsteps coming from another direction, but didn't even bother reloading the gun. He didn't care anymore, he wasn't sure if it was because how drowsy he was or how helpless his situation now was, but he just didn't care. His mind wandered as he gave up hope, to the point where he didn't realize a girl had kneeled beside him. For a moment he thought she was a hallucination, but head wounds don't cause those, or. Maybe they did. Dean watched as the girl looked him over, as if she was searching for something. He was still contemplating whether or not she was real, until she spoke. Dean jumped at the sound of another voice. She [i]is[/i] real! What were the odds. She raised her hands and began reaching for his head before stopping herself, and asking for permission. Dean couldn't find the words to say, he was still coping with the fact another survivor had found him, in the middle of a forest, located who knows where. Thinking about it made his head hurt more, he grimaced, and nodded to the girl.