[quote=Kidd] No way, screw that. A role play is a group effort. Letting it die because of one person is stupid, no matter who that one person is. It's a lot harder without the GM, I'll admit, but it's still doable, and it'll get easier with time. [/quote] ^this As a GM of like a handful of dead RPs, I don't believe it is just one person's fault, even if you do have a GM you can't go on unless the group makes an effort to at least try to move it along with you. If they don't it's rather seems like you're just writing a story all alone. I wish people understood that, I start RPs because I want to bounce off ideas from other people, not just write alone. My RPs are lonely and I'm sad. /rant/ But I do agree on the part where you all have been talking about when the GM gives up that a RP can be considered dead. I hate the feeling of giving up on my RPs, especially when you put so much into them, but people give you false hope. I understand everyone is busy, but giving out a false sense of hope on the notion that you will join and keep a story alive but don't. It hurts.