It is the year 2076, and the realm of the virtual and the internet has drastically progressed the last fifty years, to the point where, in Japan, the first entirely digital academy has opened its digital door this year to the growing population of young hermits in the capital and the countryside. You are one of these social outcasts, dubbed hikikomori, and have been taking refuge in your room for quite some time. Will this be the key to getting out of your self imposed slump? The entry to this new institution is simple; have a working computer, an access to the internet, a virtual reality helmet and finally buy and download the file. Once there, you will be able to create your avatar and be placed in your first evaluation test to see where you stand in our premium education. This could be the chance of a lifetime, will you take it? --- A mix among an academy roleplay, a virtual reality rpg and a social simulation, this tale will be one with stats, lighthearted moment, dramatic ones and plenty of action, adventure and learning opportunities of all sorts for your character. You will have all the choice in how your tale unfolds, from the loner to the popular one, you will have time for the virtual reality and for your character development in the real world, make it as you will, as similar or different as you want, for this is YOUR tale!