Satisfied with his work, Alexis got back up and patted himself off, happy that the blood stayed inside the helmet. Blood was hell to clean off. However, their job was far from done. Radioing his other teammates, he said in a calm voice, "Alright Ephemeral, we've done enough fighting in this singular room. We need to get a move on. Since the Shroud already went and eliminated both guards at 29, we should probably split up. Some of you have apprehensions going through the southernmost part of the facility, so me and Jem will go alone, eliminating anyone we see along the way as quietly as we can. Should you run into any more guards, contact either me or Jem and we'll cut them from the enemy network. Hopefully we'll rally at Kolac's room and be able to eliminate him together." With that said, Alexis checked his rifle to see it was still in working order. Satisfied that it was, he started moving toward 51, motioning for Jemini to stand guard at the entrance to 55 with her shock probe. Cutting 51 from the enemy communications network, Alexis quickly entered the the room and taking advantage that the guard's head was encased in a closed helmet, heated the inside until either the guard died from asyphxiation or severe gas burns.