[quote=Schradinger] A large part of her personality is due to the way she grew up and was trained, being honed as a weapon from day one. A life like that isn't going to breed a happy-go-lucky party girl, it's going to make her hard and cold. She had to learn early on that detachment was the only way to keep herself sane, otherwise the pain and brutality of what they put her through (both mentally and physically) would be too much. Like how Wolverine's healing factor erased some of his memories in order to keep him from snapping.But beneath all the conditioning and training and mental scars, she's still just an innocent girl. The target in that first post was the first person she'd ever killed, and it wasn't even her that actually did it. She'll likely be losing that innocence in subsequent posts, but I wanted to show a bit of what she was like at the beginning, before I get to the ruthless killer part of her story. [/quote] Sometimes I think he snapped anyway. Still it's nice to see that you have a plan and Laura is swiftly becoming one of my favourite characters to read. In contrast is Rachel and Castle. Castle the father & Husband died with his family, ironic considering his family was the thing that kept him sane during his Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC) (the Marine Corps' special forces) days in Afghanistan. When his family was murdered, Castle the Soldier survived, hard and cold, and ruthless. On the other hand of that is Rachel Cole-Alves. She was not Special Forces like Castle, but she is very much his emotional opposite; the soldier part of her is still there, but at the same time, so is the newlywed, grief-stricken wife-turned widow. She essentially is Castle's soon-to-be moral compass/Diggle. She can't turn him back from the cold, ruthless man he is now, but maybe he can become the Punisher in earnest through her; remember, he's just starting out.