On top of the tallest windmill sat the Sheikah known as Idris. It was a serene place for him to be ever since he was a young boy during his training with his mother. The wind was a slow breeze against his skin and made him think of the many times he would hide up here during games of hide N' seek with the other children. Kakariko Village brought back so many memories. Idris had only been gone for a few years now but it felt like forever. He wondered how many still lived in the village and if any of friends had come back. Truthfully it was astonishing that Idris came back so soon but, that voice could not be ignored. The world was in peril once again with no hero of time to save it. That wouldn't stop Idris though from fighting back. He loved Hyrule and its people. They gave him hope for better days. Which instantly brought his attention to the fact that the Festival was currently going on. Idris leaped from the top of windmill with intent on landing on to the tree close-by. The moment his feet touched the first branch, Idris dropped down to his right hand. He gripped the branch with an almost vice-grip. Muscles rippled from the strength it took to swing his body forward on to the near-by branch. Another swing from the second branch sent Idris to the earth below. No sound emanated from the skilled Sheikah when he landed and he stared at the people enjoying the Festival. Sounds of joy and merriment filled the air. Children stood in awe at the tricks people were performing and the games. It was times like these made you forget about the darkness that was encroaching upon the land.