[center][b]Royal[/b][/center] [b] Royal's chauffeur droved his limo hummer up to the mansion's gate. [i]"Wow what a place, right Chevy?"[/i] Royal asked his chauffeur, [i]Yes it is sir."[/i] He was new to the whole driver thing, but Royal wanted to be a show off. He even wore his 3,000 dollar Gucci shades in the rain. Royal loved the spooky side of life, his life was getting tiring, drinking, modeling, movie stars, groupies. He wanted to do something fun and new. He saw that he was one of the last people to show up. There wasn't a lot of parking spots left, especially for his limo hummer, being as and long as 3 regular limos. It took up six parking spots. [i]"Chevy can you pass me my umbrella, it's right in the front, next to you."[/i] Chevy gave Royal his umbrella, after he had opened the car door. Royal walked up to the building, it was dark and mysterious enough to make the Average Joe afraid. Royal wasn't scared off easy, and this place seem like a fun place to be. He saw some people inside the building looking around. Must be looking for rooms, Royal thought. [i]"Hey you butler of this place, can you show Chevy, my driver my room?"[/i]Royal went to the kitchen to get something to drink, it was a long drive after all.[/b] [center][i]Kitty[/i][/center] [i][b]"So I put my hands up they playing my song!"[/b] Kitty was singing one of her favorite songs from her good friend Miley Cyrus, while she was waiting in the back seat of her Mercedes Benz. [b]"Hey driver don't you think Miley should've made a remix with me on the track?"[/b] Kitty's driver just shrugged, he was only getting paid to drive her, not talk to her. [b]"Thanks for giving an answer big boy."[/b] Kitty was coming out of a hangover from last's night's party bash, when she's drunk she flirts with anybody. The party was celebrating her first Grammy win for -Night Lights- it hit number one for 10 weeks on the billboards. Her career was turning around. At first Kitty didn't think that going to a mansion party was a good idea, but her PR agent thought it would be good publicity. Kitty halfway walked fell out of her car, but the driver helped her up. [b]"I can handle myself, let go of me."[/b] She snatched the umbrella away from the driver and walked to the house. [b]"Hey little girl, where is my room."[/b] Kitty barely made it into the house before passing out on the couch.[/i]