[b]Colt "The Devil Spawn" Jackson Fairbank[/b] Colt narrowed his eyes. A very attractive redhead made her way to where he stood, his elbows planted firmly against the counter. His eyes trailed her movements as she crossed her legs and took seat beside him on the counter. He eyed her through his profile, regarding her inquisitively. “Miss Susanna,” he greeted her nonchalantly with a tip of his hat revealing his intense emerald eyes that seemed to shine for a split-second. “– Now choose, Desperado. What is it you want to know about what's to come, anyway?" The bizarre question forced him to finally make direct eye contact with her. His eyes attended the delicate features of her face. [i]Just another pretty face Jackson, sleep with her tonight and before she can even wake, you’d brought hell to this entire place but fuck is this one gorgeous…[/i]he thought to himself almost regretfully as he regarded her wavy, crimson hair. Deciding to play along, he took a random card between his index and middle fingers. “First I’d like to know what your bosses think about you playing cards with their paying customers…not entirely sure they’d approve, Miss Susanna, now, I’m not saying I don’t appreciate a good game of cards…” He paused for a second and took another sip of his drink. He was thirsty, riding around the desert aimlessly at times gave him an unquenchable thirst but it wasn’t just about the drink, he had a void deep within. “What’s to come ain’t always so nice. Tell me, “He scoffed, “will it ever end?” Colt had noticed her spat with the other female; he was perceptive to say the least. It didn’t seem like the woman in front of him enjoyed her job very much, and really, there was no blaming her. Sleeping with anyone willing to pay a dime couldn’t be pleasant. “Don’t seem like you like what you do very much…” He managed in a low voice, more of an audible afterthought than anything else. It was in that moment that a heavy-bellied man with rosy cheeks from all the liquor approached the two. “…hot dash, thsss one’s fiiine…” He slurred between hiccups and placed a hand on the bar counter, wrapping his entire arm around Susanna. Colt narrowed his eyes at the sight but said nothing. With his free hand, the man reached for Susanna’s breasts when a knife slammed hard against his other hand, pinning it deep into the bar counter. “Aaaagh!” The drunken man yelled in horror, blood oozing from his hand and spilling onto the counter. “Bartender, I’ll need another drink, just finished this one…” Colt said as he slowly poured the hard liquor on the man’s wound. Startled, the bartender filled and slid Colt a second glass of hard liquor. Colt caught the glass with his right hand; using his free hand, he pulled out a silver revolver and casually pinned it against the man’s forehead as he downed his round. The man was visibly sweating cold and for that second the entire bar went silent. Colt pulled the trigger but the gun simply clicked. “Guess it’s your lucky day…” he reached for the knife and pulled it out hard causing the man to yelp in pain. “Get out,” he commanded and the man darted for the swinging doors without a second thought; after that, the bar became animated once more. It was his pride that acted out that evening. [i]She[/i], she was just one more woman in a line of many. He'd be lost in her pleasure that night only to forget her as soon as the sun would come up. [i]Just another job[/i], he'd thought as he rode in earlier. But this target would prove itself much more dangerous than he'd ever faced and it would be only the beginning.