Takahiro woke up sometime later, comfortably positioned upon the seat where Galina had left him. It was a... conflicted feeling. His first act was one of confirmation, rising to his feet and quickly scanning the room for the false wall his contact had mentioned. It was found easily enough, the safe behind opened easily enough, and then closed and concealed soon after, as it was seen the contents had already been taken. Of course they had, but who would he be if he didn't check, at least? There was nothing else of use in the room either, and no information that might point to anything else within the estate. Complete failure, all objectives left unmet. Nothing left to do then but damage control. Takahiro slipped down to the second floor a minute after watching a servant saunter past the stairs, moving slowly -if gracefully- down to the main floor sometime later. All smiles and gallantry, he worked his way back into the crowd, trading pleasantries with knowns and greeting unknowns, the perfect picture of a samurai within western culture. He asked only what was polite, spoke only with respect and flattery, and left those he spoke with charmed and smiling until it was finally time to leave. And those few who had seen him with a young lady before, who had an inkling of who it was? Well, no one noticed if their conversation happened to last slightly longer than the rest, or cover almost improper subjects... He moved out with the crowd, falling towards the back on account of his limp. Thanks were given to the Winchesters as he left for their splendid party, and received in turn for his given gift. It was a late night when his coach pulled up for him once more, full moon hanging high above, just visible past the lights still glowing all around. But the man who opened the door to admit Takahiro into his ride showed not a hint of the time. Slender and cleanshaven down to a seemingly-polished crown, his smile was wide and voice eager as he greeted his lord. [i]"Konbanwa, Takahiro-san."[/i] [i]"Goemon."[/i] Takahiro nodded slightly to the man, seating himself within the coach as Goemon moved to sit opposite. They set off at a leisurely pace, enjoying the night around them, moving steadily away from the Winchester lights and leaving crowds. [i][["A good night, boss?"]][/i]Goemon broke the silence tentatively, as all other sounds died away. [i][["Were you successful?"]][/i] [i][["No."]][/i] Takahiro's shaking head started a look of growing shock upon his underling's face, though he remained silent for the moment.[i] [["Someone beat me there- a Russian."]] [["Russian!? They're after- and they got the documents?"]][/i] Before him, Goemon stuttered with too-wide eyes, the unthinkable having occurred before him. Takahiro Souma, son of Takahiro Masaru, who had convinced the nobles to elevate him to the Samurai class and embark on a journey to the Americas, was admitting [i]defeat[/i]. And was doing so, while [i]smiling[/i]. [i][["They did,"]] [/i]Takahiro's voice dropped low, then, vowels rolling across his tongue in savory tones as his smile only grew. [i][["But it's okay. Because we're going to use them to kidnap an engineer for us to deport."]] [["Kidnap a- how?"]][/i] Takahiro allowed himself a moment to remember all that had happened that night. The fortuitous meeting of a lovely young lady, their wonderful conversations despite their apparent lack of fluency, and their travels throughout the Winchester mansion. He recalled her grace, her laughter, the look as she eyed the paintings and architecture they passed by... and her voice, as she read him into a drugged sleep, lying cushioned upon her lap. Something gleamed within his eyes as the moment ended, something that caused Goemon to shrink back against the side of the coach. [i][["We're going to find a Baronessa Galina Demidova."]][/i]