"Life for an eye. Never the sort of thing you expect to hear." She glanced up upon boarding, keeping a brief eye on him before flashing her pass and moving her way towards the nearest seat. Usually, her bus rides involved standing, however, at half past one, they were quieter. She dropped into a seat and exhaled slowly. Now wasn the time to let grief, remorse, guilt and fear set in. Her bedroom would suit those emotions fine. Instead, she pulled up her socks and turned her eyes towards the window. Checking around herself, Shae found herself to be a few too many seats away for someone to read the book she had chosen to pull from her bag. She seriously doubted anyone knew what the book was, after all, no else on the bus looked like they'd confronted death so recently. She flipped through the empty pages and returned to the rules section and read over again. They were comprehensive, as if every last fraction of detail had been purposely written out for humans. She shut the book away quickly as other students climbed aboard. The last thing she needed was the attention; even if they simply just chose to tease. Sitting back, Shae sat silently until they reached her stop. A quick hop off and few steps down the road, she was home. However, as she unlocked the door and stepped inside, her eyes drew to the black car just outside the driveway. Her dad was home. Early? "Dad?" She called, sliding her shoes off and swapping them quietly.