It might have been a blessing in and of itself that Magus hadn't been watching when the strange, strange man had started dancing a weird little dance under the pretense that it would ward off evil. Some things that humans did were somewhat confusing at the best of times, seeing that would have caused something to break in the Twili's mind. Watching as the fairy girl started to dress for the occasion, he listened to her with interest as she went through the various uses and the details of her disclaimer. While seeing her talk non stop at length was pretty impressive, the hooded man couldn't help but ask with a morbid sense of interest "[i][b]How exactly did you come to believe that drinking such a dangerous substance would help out the drinkers heart and by what means did you figure out what the safest dosage to drink was?[/i][/b]" Then of course there was the mention of the price. That... was problematic. After a moment of thought, the figure spoke once again. "[i][b] At this point in time, I am unable to afford your price. However, perhaps you would be willing to make a trade? I am rather talented at enchanting and I can assure you that you've never seen the kind of enchantments I can weave... Perhaps you would like a piece of your clothing to be as light as a shadow and fashionable to wear in public without drawing the eye while being able to stop an arrogant blade. Would that be something you would be interested in, little one?[/i][/b]"