Appearance: [img=] Name: Professor James "Reaper" Age: unknown, looks around 30 Gender: male Race: undead Personality: James is brutal, sinister, manipulative, and cruel. His lessons are some of the harshest in the school, and some students have even died among his courses. Only those who believe they can take it join his course, but they tend to come out as experts on the field of Survival. James enjoys pain, death, and suffering, just like his many kin, and he additionally has a fascination with human organs and insides, leading to his disturbing habit of cutting them open and analyzing them. However, he was taken up by the school in a world where his kind is despised and hated, and thus James has devoted himself to the school, He loves the school and his students with a passion, and would gladly die for the safety of the school. Powers*keep it reasonable*: As an undead, James can only be killed by destroying his brain. Furthermore, he's modified his body in many ways, making him far faster and stronger than the average human being, Most diseases and poisons don't affect him, he can breathe underwater, he doesn't feel pain, and he can sense the life energy of living beings. He excretes no body heat, and doesn't become fatigued. However, he needs to consume the flesh of the living in order to remain at full power, and is susceptible to necromantic magic. Position*Teacher, 2nd year, trainer, etc*: Teacher Other: an expert with poisons and chemicals.