Two more bullets fired through the building as the man approached proved to be just as ineffective as the first, ricocheting off the sword into the ground and another building. Not a bullet timer then. No way he could have seen them coming through the walls. That left a precog sense or special sword. Or both. Either way it spelled the end of the gunfight portion of the day. "Wonderful." When the man came into view and offered his suggestion, it was one that Bloodshot had already resolved to initiate. I guess great minds think alike, or something. "Fine by me. Bullet holes or electrical burns, I get paid either way." The staff retracted as he holstered his pistol, sliding back into itself until it reached a length of only two feet, and he turned to face Mordem fully, staff held ready in his left hand while his right remained empty. For the time being, at least. "I'll even give you one free hit."