What began as a seemingly easy victory for Henrik of Tyr has suddenly became more complicated, as the usual voices of support gave way to doubt from the Jarl of Arda'Njor. Jarl Koval has given his own name for the crown. As of now, five voices speak for Henrik, one for Koval and one voice has thus far been silent; Jarl Zarathustra Whitemane of the Isles of Wolves. There is still time for new players to join the fray and Zarathustra to find his voice - a Jarlmoot could last through the week if need be. Once we hear from the Isles of Wolves, and unwavering support for Henrik continues, we might just have a crowning today. Whoever is crowned, all Jarls will be expected to either swear an oath of fealty, or declare revolt.... of course a Jarl could also claim to support the king while secretly plotting his demise, but thats up to you. I am extremely happy with the RP thus far, and commend you all on doing an amazing job, but the Moot is not yet over. A new candidate needs consideration and I am eager to hear from the Old Hound.