The guards at 29 were satisfied that the facility was secure. Guardsman Ano was a seriously ferocious individual. Nothing could have pout him down, surely. They spent a moment joking about how the make-believe assassins were on their knees right now, begging for mercy. of course, there were no assassins, but they joked all the same… …A shadow fell across them. They thought nothing of it other than a minor malfunction with the lighting system. It happened from time to time; the facility had sketchy power supplies. “When do you think they’ll change the genera- *cough*” He started to wheeze horrendously. The second guard looked at him, puzzled. He began gasping, choking, grabbing the uniform of his partner as the second also began to cough uncontrollably. Their visions grew hazy, their knees grew weak. The first guard collapsed and the second followed only seconds after. They fell into a loose heap, never to wake up again. [i]Congratulation! You have obtained the Choking Force Achievement![/i] —- The Guard at 51 was minding his own business, flicking through photos of his wife and child down on the planet below. He hated being stationed on this damn rock with this damn man, Kolac. He was not an honourable man, he was only terrifying. He was a redshirt, a new guy, not one of the Kolac-sympathising veterans like a lot of the others in the facility. There was an incredibly loud beeping, and the static of his radio went totally silent. The temperature inside his helmet began to raise at an alarming rate. The door slid open and a suit of powered armour flew in, silent as it could. The guard’s eyes widened. Was it here to kill him? “No! Please!” He screamed as he tried to unclip his sidearm, struggling due to the increasing heat. “I have a…” His vision began to grow hazy. “I have a…” he blinked hard, pulled on his pistol, letting it free of it’s clipping. “A fucking child!” Taking the pistol, he slammed it against his own visor, cracking it and releasing a good amount of pressure and heat from inside. Vision swirled back to his eyes; but he was shaking hard. He took shaky aim and fired one shot, two shots. The first ricochetted off the Cybernetic’s hand, the second punching Alexis in the chest. The shot made no penetration thanks to the CPDA that Alexis donned, but the shot pushed the Ephemeral back several steps. “Stay the fuck away from me! Whatever you are!”