[quote=Ellri] We're thinking of putting this rp on hiatus for a bit. Not putting it on the executioners block, but on pause. Right now we're lacking a bit of inspiration, and not to mention, two important players (Fallen & Rtron) both have issues posting properly due to Real Life.We also need to letit simmer in our minds a bit for figuring out how to balance it more. Right now it favors the dark side a bit too much Jedi have too little hope, really. If any of you have ideas for how to solve that particular conundrum, don't keep it to yourself. [/quote] Personally a reboot, at least in my mind, might be in order. It would make it easier to establish new players, ease the old Plotlines which didn't work and what not. Though to be honest I was worried this might happen and that makes 3 rps I've lost during my lacking net period. *sigh* -_- Now I'm down to four... As for the balance issue. I could have a few ideas which one is namely making the prison level easier to escape or at least get to in Navi's case. The little droid's POV has shown a lot outside my two PC's limitations when it comes to getting about to freeing the Jedi. Personally it wasn't much writing about him with too little pay off. I wasn't sure where I was going or what to do without instantly running into a brick way during our chats before Guildfall.