[quote=Xiga] Wounds and cuts were still open, and her head was throbbing intensely. The shivers became worse, as Veragwen told her off, and she sank down to the floor clutching her side. "I-I'm sorry..." She was wheezing as she spoke. She closed her eyes rested her head against the edge of the bed, desperately trying to gather her thoughts. What had happened to put her in this shape? Who were these other people? She could still feel as if she had cuts and bruises over her, and she still had bloodied clothes. Am I bleeding..? "I.. I had just.. What happened?" She grimaced as she opened her eyes and tried to focus on each and everyone in the room, her head tipping to the side as if it was too heavy for her to support. "My hammer.." Her focus shifted. She was exhausted, cold, and in bad shape constantly snapping back and forth between a confused state and a concentrated one. "How did.. I'm bleeding..?" She said and looked at Veragwen. "Was it you..? How did you.." She paused.Just a minute ago she had know who this woman was.. She knew she was a healer. But her name..? Her face felt so familiar. "Who are you...ugrh.. I dont.. I dont feel too well." She removed her hand from her side and looked at it. It was crimson colored, sticky and didn't look like a part of her. She frowned. Who am I? Why am I forgetting? Nayash though battled her mind as the shivering started to subside and instead she started to feel warm once more. [/quote] After unleashing the girl's hammer from her person, Raena slouched down onto the floor and scooted along caterpillar style. Once she was close enough, she poked the girls feet with the end of the hammer gently but repeatedly. "No wonder that guy with the baboon powers kicked your ass. You're all weird and spacey and weird."