Rin took his time carefully lowering the now dead body down from the grider, laying it across his shoulder for easy transport towards the nearest hiding spot. He was not one to display his kills like trophies, if anything he felt bad for the man not getting an actual chance to defend himself. Slowly he twisted and yanked Stinger out of the guards neck leaving a moderate spatter of blood trailing down his shoulder and chest. He did not mind nor care. He was used to the smell by now. As he neared toward the south entrance he watched Jem and Alexis tell the others to basically do what they wanted which in his opinion was not a good idea, but if they kept sitting there bantering it would be even worse. Rin was about to lay the body inside a nearby storage unit when he heard the muffled sounds of gunshots coming from where Alexis went. With an instinctive growl he sprinted full speed with corpse still laying over his shoulder. Passing by the tiny robot nearly hitting it on the way he saw the guard pointing the gun at Alexis and noticed the winged hand. “Stay the fuck away from me! Whatever you are!” A low growl came from Rin as he did the first thing that came to mind. Taking the bloody guards corpse by its head, he held it in front of him as a (literal) human shield and drew his blade. Charging full forward he pointed the blade with jaws fully extended using his agility and momentum to his advantage in an attempt to pin the frantic guard against his dead brother and grab the guards arm or shoulder with Jawbreaker. Unwilling to use his Prawns in attempt to silence the man before he alerts anyone else either via gunshots or screaming.