Alexis let Jemini do the cursing for him as the guard started yelling and waving about his sidearm like a headless chicken before smashing his faceplate in to release most of the heat and pressure inside his helmet. Alexis snapped up his rifle, prepared to deal with the guard through a few rounds in his face, but he hesitated as the guard mentioned his children, enough time for the guard to retaliate with two shots. The first ricochetted off his hand, the second was absorbed by his coat but forced him back a few steps. Alexis really was getting slow if he couldn't even muster a shield fast enough to block either of the shots. But Alexis had to push such thoughts from his mind, instead latching onto the fact that the guard mentioned his family, indicating that the man in front of him was possibly one of the few guards on the facility that had no personal ties to Kolac. The Marshall would have likely beat such indisciplinary behavior out of his own men, even in the face of death, which provided an interesting opportunity. That is of course, until Bug Man came charging in without a care in the world, dead man slung over his shoulder and trapping one corpse against what could have been another. Alexis breathed a sigh of disappointment, hoping against hope that the bug didn't kill what could have likely been a valuable asset on this botched mission. Seeing that Family Guy wasn't quite dead, Alexis walked calmly to the guard and said, "Listen, we don't want to kill you unless we have to. Now your friends probably heard all that noise, which is bad for us. Make an excuse, tell them you were hallucinating and it was a weapons malfunction and you tripped on something. Being in space for so long get to a person after all. And of course, don't even breathe a word about us. Then, maybe my friend here won't kill you and you'll have a chance to see your family again. Do we have a deal?" Naturally Alexis wouldn't let the guard back into the network until after the guard did what he asked, and would ask him to repeat the message again once Alexis patched the guard back in. Of course if the guard attempted to retaliate in any way, Alexis was sure that Bug Man here could quickly take care of him, although the metal giant was hoping that wouldn't have to be their solution. In the meanwhile, Jem still stood guard near the entrance to 55, cursing her metallic ass off but prepared to strike anyone coming from either the north or south eastern door.