Nero was about to speak however he was interrupted by a chorus of different tones and lengths of moans, before his eyes behind the lunatic of a man Walkers started pouring into the streets in large portions. The damn horde had arrived early... and this idiot had just lured them here with his stupidity. Nero watched the walkers coming straight for the man, they were going to surround him if he didn't move, but this was not Nero's concern. "Save us then fool!" With that Nero grabbed Nadia's hand and ran in the opposite direction, in just a mere moment Nero cracked the back door of the store open and hit the streets. Even from a distance Nero could see a large amount of Walkers in the distance, they were canvassing the small town like a wave of water. This was not good, they were all coming to that lunatics gun shot which meant that they were going to be surrounded too by the walkers. Looking both ways Nero realized this was already so, both sides of the road were blocked with walkers. "Shit... that moron may have killed us all with his stupidity." Thank god damn it Nero think, there is always a way out, looking over at Nadia she was no doubt scared, Nero didn't blame her this was the kind of situation that made you wanna drink afterwards. Nero looked around vigilantly, there had to be one, every city or small town had one... there it is! Nero saw the man hole cover about thirty feet away, the Walkers were already closing the distance to the man hole cover. "Come on Nadia go as fast you can!" Nero yanked her arm and got her into a full run, they were only going to have one shot at this and do it right.