Gavril had silently been walking down the dirt path for a few moments now, on either side of him he saw different size buildings that he supposed were houses for the residents. However it was painfully obvious that they not there anymore, he saw no candle lights on inside, just darkness an nothing more. This wasn't the first time Gavril had seen something like this before, in fact this was something he had seen more then many times in his homelands. This was a sign... a sign that something bad was coming here very soon. This is how it always started, the creatures would attack under the cloak of dark, and one by one they would start to drop the count of lives in the town or villiage. Then after a certain amount of people mostly men who could fight were gone then bigger attacks would happen here and there. Most never truly noticed a couple disappearances in a world like this where there was so many ways to die, which meant that most towns were taken by surprise with a full on attack. However this town did not have the markings of such attacks, it was just... empty as if no one had been in a time, that was what threw Gavril off it was too neat, no one would notice if you didn't understand but the situation here was very troubling. Gavril kept walking along the road silently and soon enough he was walking through the woods, he was unsure if this path lead to the mysterious coven of witches he had heard about but he kept his guard up. The woods at night in a situation like this were no doubt crawling with creatures of the dark. Gavril listened silently to the world around him, he did not hear an animals making any noise, not even a cricket, these woods felt as though they were completely empty of any life, which was another bad sign that something was definitively here with him. Gavril sniffed the air silently as he stopped in the center of the road, the wind blew his hair wildly for a split second as the smell of something was around him, the smell was very strong which meant whatever was here was close. Gavril could feel a small energy which meant it was weak, the attack was coming Gavril could feel it now, and almost like as if waiting for the thought Gavril heard the hiss like scream come from his left side, the light was dim but Gavrils cursed eye could see the darkness as if it was day, a vampire was coming full speed at him now. Time seemed to slow down almost to Gavrils eye's as the vampire came at him, the claw hand was already back and ready to strike, when it came Gavil raised his hand with the metal gauntlet and caught its hand in mid swing. With one powerful swing Gavril took the weak vampire off its feet and threw him a short distance away, in the moment of distraction Gavril removed the razor whip from his belt and unraveled it. As soon as the vampire caught itself and landed Gavril was already moving at a fast speed, closing the distance quickly Gavril flicked his wrist as the sharp metal blades of the whip wrapped around the vampires neck, and in one strong angled tug the metal razors ripped through the vampires neck like paper, the head went flying sideways away from the now useless body as it hit the soft dirt. Gavril silently watched the body fall to the ground as the fight had last only mere minutes if not less. However Gavril heard clapping from behind and realized he was not alone again, the sudden spike of energy guaranteed him of that. Turning Gabriel saw a man standing in the middle of the road, he was clapping his hands as if a show had just been going on. [hider=Man in the road][img][/img][/hider] "You truly are a Hunter, I was curious as to if you were dressed that oddly because you had weird fashion sense or that your clothing is related to a family of Hunters itself, that show told me all." Gavril watched the man silently approach, he kept the whip in hand but did not attack for he was getting a rather weird feeling from this man, he was most definitely a vampire there was no doubt but his energy was not of on that was completely evil. The white haired man slowly approached Gavril and stopped a couple feet away, looking down at the headless body near him the man shook his head. "Truly disgusting creatures, this is the product of one who is turned and not guided, one who only knows human blood. They have no other way to survive, never knowing that they could quench their thirst off the animals that are in these woods. I must apologize Hunter, I sent that weakling to attack you, but I needed to be sure you were a Hunter before I tried to talk to you, and if I attacked you myself to test it then we would no doubt be in combat to the death and that would serve nothing." Gavril looked at the vampire silently, he was not all that angry either way, however this vampire was tweaking his curiosity to a certain degree. "Why? You could have just asked couldn't you?" The vampire smiled a toothy grin as Gavril saw the long sharp curved fangs, this vampire was well nourished from his demeanor. An he did not even look like he appeared to be from this country at all from the garbs here wore. "I would have but unfortunately I meant a couple Hunters down the road of my life and they were rather... how do you say violent towards me. You however intrigue me, you keep your weapon in hand yet I can tell you won't attack me unless I attack you. This kind of mentality in a Hunter from this country is non-existent which tells me your not from around here." "You would be right, I am from another land, an where I come from I was raised to believe that not all creatures of the night are evil, but those that are choose to be. We do not kill recklessly like savage beasts." "Thats an interesting view on things Hunter, however I think there is more to it then that, for when I look at you I do not see just a man before me, but also I see the traits of a Vampire with in you. They are not easy to spot with a human eye but I see through the skin, the blood in your veins in black as mine. I must say that you are one of the most interesting hunters I have ever crossed in my life. However I respect that you have allowed me to speak without violence so where are my manners, My name is Alucard Sebastian Vladimir the sixth, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Hunter." The vampire gave a respectful bow towards Gavril after giving his name, Gavril looked at him idly, this was rather his first encounter with a sophisticated vampire and in his mind he was trying to find the catch. However for now Gavril would keep the peace, there was a meaning for this meeting and he was very curious to see where this would go in the end. Gavril returned the respectful bow and spoke: "My name is Gavril Fane Vlasimirescu the third, it is a pleasure to meet you Alucard, not to be rude but I feel like there is a reason for our meeting here at this moment, perhaps you could enlighten me as to why you choose to talk to one who is sworn to kill creatures of the night?" "No offense taken Gavril, I understand that is it hard for most Hunters to believe that there are Vampires who can be civilized, it is rare to find one but not impossible my friend. But I shall make my point Gavril, it is no big secret that something terrible is about to happen to that little town a ways down the road, I am sure you have noticed peculiar things in town. I am coming to you because if I came to one in the town they would not believe me and try to kill me, but a great evil is here in this place, an evil that has no name, I have felt it yet know not what it is, you too have felt it I know for you are half vampire." "Yes I have felt it, from the moment I got within 100 feet of this town I could feel it. But my question is... what is it?" "This I do not know, however I can tell you that a certain Coven of witches maybe able to tell you if you can persuade them. You see they are not happy either with the events that are taking place, and they are more knowledgeable then I in such matters. They have lost precious sisters from their coven to this evil, corrupted by its influence and now working with it. You must handle this matter my friend, for I know the man who calls for aid... he has a vendetta against the witches, he does not like them for reasons that are unknown to me." "I know what you mean Alucard, I have seen him talk of them and I can see the blood lust in his eyes for them." "Exactly if you attack them out right then they will never help you, an this evil if I like it or not affects me as well, its intoxicating enough that I have had to lock myself away so that I will not be driven into corruption like the many witches from the Coven. There is still time to stop it Gavril, but time is running out and quickly at that. Here take this Gavril you will need it." Alucard reached into his coat silently and pulled out a medallion which was inscribed with the sign of Witch Coven. Gavril took the medallion from Alucard and slowly placed it safely in his own jacket. "The Coven is in a frenzy right now because of this evil, and no doubt will not allow an outsider to enter their camp. Present this to one of the sisters and ask to speak to Nadalia, she is the oldest and wisest of the Coven she leads them, if you can get her on your side then there might be a chance, if you can't then there may not be a future for any of us. I must go now Gavril, but I am sure we shall meet again the future, take care my friend." As Gavril nodded to Alucard he silently started to fade off the road and then was gone, Gavril was alone now on the road, he now had a lot to think about, deciding it best to return to town first Gavril made his way back down the road and soon found himself back at the church in time to see the Preacher and the other men exiting looking as if they were ready to fight. Walking up to the preacher Gavril spoke. "What is going on?"