Sorry for a delay. I hope you will find my character sufficient. Name: Lilian Daskees Age: 25 Gender: Female Appearance: Animal Spirit: Moth Member Colour: Coppery red Personal Problem: Lilian has several psychological issues when it comes to the fire. To put it simple, she suffers from pyromania and pyrophobia at the same time. When she is around fire, there is as big chance she going to laugh like a maniac as there is a chance that she will just lay on the ground, crying. Personality:. Those who know Lilian for some time refers to her personality as to a force of nature as much changeable as the fire she adores (and fears) so much. Sometimes she is just like a small, smoking campfire, cheerful and tranquil like an ideal of Zen, but make her angry and she will turn in the hell on two legs. But mostly, she is just like spark. She goes where she pleases, seen by everybody but caught by none. And when someone catches her, he is just going to burn his finger. History: Lilian was always the weird one. Boys played with cars and action figures, girls with barbies and Lilian? She had a box of matches, a lighter half out of gas and a mischief on her face, and she was a way more happier than anybody around her, making little campfires wherever she liked. Those who noticed her could never say what sparked more, her eyes or the fires she made. Fire was a way to run from everyday cruel reality. "Life is tough," she said "but there is always something to put on fire at least." And so she did. Her mother died when she gave birth to Lilian, something her father never forget to mention to young girl. He loved her mother and the loss broke him. He was never able to recover from it. He blamed Lilian for death of his wife and treated her in that fashion. For him, raising a daughter was just an obligation, some kind of debt he owed to his lost love. He never said anything nice to Lilian. Never showed anything even close to love nor compassion. As years passed, Lilian grew used to it. She was a solitary individual with so few friends she could count them on hand of leprous man. Her only comfort in life was her burning love for flames and even that was spoiled because of her father. Nobody exactly knew what happened and honestly, nobody truly cared, but there was a fire in flat where Lilian lived, maybe her father forgot to switch off the gas, maybe he forgot to extinguish butt of his beloved cigarettes, only thing known for sure was that he died there, burned to just little bit more than ashes. Lilian wasn´t at home at the moment, but she arrived soon enough to see the best parts. She was able to hear the last screams of her dying father, able to see his fried body. That experience completely changed her and the way she looked on her beloved hobby. The fire turned from a friend to something way more terrifying She ran away from her old flat, from anyone who ever knew her. She knew how would it look. An abusive father with pyromaniac daughter killed by fire. Nobody would ever believe it was just a coincidence, even if she had proper alibi, which she hadn´t . So she just ran away. She was resourceful enough to live on streets. She had a stomach to do things she wasn´t proud on. She had skills to do thing that nobody else dared to do. She survived. And maybe now, when she get into DF5, things will finally be better....