[center] [b][i]"Hm... Yet another threat terrorizes our fair Republic City. My fellow councilmen and women...I urge you to come to a decision. The Avatar must be retrieved. It has been far too long, and I know all of you want to believe that the world can go on without the help of the Avatar...but it seems as though we were wrong. We are not yet ready...for peace." The quiet but firm voice of the airbender was carried through the large room. There was a long silence as those around the table looked at the woman standing, and at one another. "Very well councilwoman Jinora." one man spoke. "We will send a few to find him. Is his location known?" "Yes," Jinora would say. "Gaoling. In the Earth Kingdom." "Of all places..." someone else would say, a woman. "How unfit for the Avatar." "My sources say he lives in the former Beifong estate. That he often fights in what they call the 'Earth Rumble Tournament' or something along those lines." Jinora spoke as she looked to the woman. "At least his earthbending we can assume is sufficient." "All in favor of bringing him here." "No." Jinora said, a hand outstretched. "Not here. Not yet. He must travel...see the world. He must master the other elements before he can face the danger that awaits him here." she said. "And what of the city until then?" one man shouted. "Just let it fall into the wrong hands?" "No." Jinora said, turning around and closing her eyes. "No, my fellow council members. We will fight this force ourselves." "That is-" "It is our only option. We must." she turned back around. The young airbender looked at each of them. "We are all the best of benders. With the right push, we can hold off whats coming until he is ready." she paused. "All in favor?" All hands rose.[/i][/b] 40 Years after the last episode of Avatar: The Legend of Korra, Avatar Korra is long dead. In an unfortunate series of events, she died of an incureable disease. No one knows how she got it, or even how she was incureable. The moment she took her last breath, a new avatar was born. Far away in the earth kingdom, a boy named Taru would grow up, aware and afraid of his bending abilities. Focusing mainly on his earthbending, Taru never truely grasped how important his duty as Avatar really was, for he was never called upon. Until now. A select few benders have been chosen by the council in secret to travel to Gaoling to find and teach Taru all four elements. Not only teach him bending and how to fight, but show him the world. Teach him how to be the Avatar this current world needs. But...how can they? Under such circumstances, and a time frame of one year...how can they raise an Avatar? Well, that will be figured out in time. For now, they must venture out from Republic City to a world just as foreign to them as it is to Taru who has been sheltered his entire life. And...the new Team Avatar must take whatever the world throws at them.[/center] I will be playing as the Waterbender as well as NPCs needed for the plot, and you will be playing as one of the following: [b]KEEP IN MIND ITS FIRST COME FIRST SERVED[/b] +Avatar Taru (I'll select the best candidate) [url=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/044/f/f/republic_city_npc__taru_by_chilamang-d5uvhmf.jpg]Taru will look like this[/url] +Avatar's Past Lives: All but mainly Korra and Aang (for spiritual training) +Airbender (Jinora's child) +Firebender (who can bend Lightning) +Earthbender (With Metalbending) +Chiblocker [hider=CS Form] Image: (insert image) Name: (self explanitory) Age: (18-25) Nationality: (where was he or she born before coming to Republic City?) Affinity: (which role do you want to play from the available list above?) Occupation: (what do you do in Republic city currently? Pro bender, cook, maid, etc.) Skills/Traits: (what are they good at? Do they have any cool skills? examples like: healing, strong physically, fast runner, etc.) Personality: (A few sentences is all.) History: (May be To Be Revealed, but i [b]do[/b] want to eventually see it. You can be as detailed as you like as well.) [/hider] [b]Hope you guys are interested![/b] [u]My Character[/u] [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/218/f/6/republic_city_app__akari_by_chilamang-d5a2j2h.jpg[/img] [hider=Other Images] [img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/234/8/a/akari_reference_sheet_by_chilamang-d5c13sv.jpg[/img] [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/265/f/5/akari__s_wardrobe_by_chilamang-d5fjeab.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Akari [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Nationality:[/b] Northern Water Tribe [b]Affinity:[/b] Waterbending [b]Occupation:[/b] She creates intricate, detailed Ice Sulptures for people who host large events, parties and such. It is how she makes a living. [b]Skills:[/b] Healing, Ice sculpture, Stitching, quick on her feet. [b]Personality:[/b] Akari is very adventerous and brave. She will often agree to do something dangerous before others because she feels it is 'exciting'. Despite her occasional recklessness, she is extremely loyal, caring, and helpful. She doesnt give up on anything and always finishes what she starts. While she is not outrightly rude, she wont hesitate to snap at anyone who tries to mistreat her or others. Though she is very well mannered, she is strong and is not afraid to show it. Most of all she dislikes people who show off. [b]History:[/b] Akari was born and raised in the Northern Water Tribe until tensions between the two tribes began to suddenly escalate once again. As diplomatic leaders, her parents had to make a decision wether to allow their daughter to stay during such a dangerous time. Opting to seperate, he mother stayed in the north while her father would take her, at the young age of 14, to Republic City. Eventually her father made his way to become a councilman and as a result, Akari became a target for various uprisings in the city. Though she was attacked and protected without her knowledge, such behavior happening to her, other councils' children, and innocent people, it drove councilwoman Jinora to call upon her and a few others to seek out the Avatar. (More in depth history will be revealed later on.)