Skylark whimpering at Ferrum's little history lesson, he saw the pink dragon's tail raise to flick away some tears. He didn't know what a holocaust or a Black Plague was, or anything, really, but they sounded scary enough. He cuddled close to Leo, Choosing not to hear the others speak of when the earth was nice. This all happened when the earth was nice? Why didn't they fight anymore, everyone seemed to mad at each other with their conflicting perspectives. "Leo, what does he mean?" He whispered softly. And, for that matter build what again? December pursed her lips, but otherwise said nothing to defend herself. While there was much more to the story, that part was correct. Even before she had become a hydra herself, she had tried to warn the humans of impending doom, but failed to alert her own people. In the end, both parties suffered. If only she had stayed within her clan, at least the grey dragons would still be alive. Noire snarled, about to snap, but Sila spoke first. "There's more to it than just the humans. True, if they didn't cause so many disasters, our dragon kin might be with us today, but how can we be so sure? Dragons always fought with each other, not the humans. They were never worthy of being considered an enemy until it was too late." Slowly, Terra nodded. "The only thing uniting all the clans was the Council, but when the Guardian clan fell, the council was severed in two. No matter how you choose to look at it, we could have annihilated the humans while we were ahead. The guardian dragons dying should have been a warning to us all," She muttered, though she wasn't alive when the elders had split. "I've never even seen a Guardian dragon in the flesh, but your colors do match their description," She said, eyeing Halley's cyan hair. "Well, you dare each other to do stuff, and if you refuse to go through with the dare you-" Everyone held their breath as they expected the vain hydra to say 'remove an article of clothing' but instead managed to fabricate, "Get punished." "Even if you are a guardian dragon,how can you expect us to trust you? Your kind disappeared, so why are you still here? Did you abandon your own kind?" Halley growled furiously and shook his head, "Of course not. Me and this idiot here," He said, staring accusingly at the sniveling aura dragon, "Were part of the Ygdrassil Order." Forte was interested in that. He laughed. "[B]The[/b] legendary dragon knights? Impossible, they're nothing but a myth, just a talk tale the generals would tell us to work harder." "Plus, you expect us to think you two losers have Ygdrassil dew in your blood?" Noire demanded. "Don't take it personally, but I fail to see how a crybaby and an anger case can be some of the greatest warriors who ever lived." Terra argued bluntly. It seemed to be just one lie after another with these two. The pink dragon didn't look like he could take care of himself, let alone protect their entire kind. "It's true, though..." Lucian insisted timidly. What a whimp. "I'm confused," Skylark pouted, "What's the Ygdrassil order and the Council and the hydra?" He had heard the term hydra and elders before, but never truly knew what it entailed.